Karazhan mage drops
Karazhan mage drops

karazhan mage drops

You have the tools to remove early threats, and Flamestrike is a powerful card in this matchup. Try to mulligan for Arcane Blast and Frostbolt. Yogg-Saron can be a win-condition as well. If you consider both opponents have an average start, the match-up is decided by this : do you draw Flamestrike / how many Call of the Wild your opponent has ? Dont forget to try every turn to spot multiple turns lethal since hunters are not running healing. Just remember to check your lethal possibilities in hand, sometimes you will just use 3 turns hitting face to get lethal. It's probably why mage tempo is very strong at the moment, you have an easy match-up against this Warrior deck.If you somehow lost the board, Flamestrike will carry your game and you will win that way.

karazhan mage drops

Druid is in my opionion the strongest deck actually, and if he has good start its very hard to take the tempo back.ĭragon Warrior : favored. You can keep Arcane Blast and Frostbolt.ĭruid Token : slightly unfavored. You must have a decent board and spells to clean to make sure the shaman has to trade and cant hit face. The first 5 turns will make you win or lose.

karazhan mage drops

Karazhan mage drops free#

I will detail the matchups you will see the most, feel free to comment if you want me to add more matchups.Īgro Shaman : slightly favored. If you want more tips about detailed mulligans, see the next chapter. If you have one of those, you can also keep a 1 or 2 cost spell to make the tempo early : Arcane Blast, Arcane Missiles, Mirror Image, Frostbolt. This new adventure give to mage Tempo some new possibilities :īarnes : This card is awesome in this deck, every single target in interesting except Yogg-Saron, Hope's End, you get a lot of tempo and sometimes a funny YOLO Ragnaros the Firelordįirelands Portal : This card has evrything this deck needs : you get direct damage and tempo as well, even if the RNG can hurts pretty bad, its still a good card General MulliganĪlways keep : Mana Wyrm, Cult Sorcerer, Sorcerer's Apprentice I would suggest you to give a chance to RNGesus and join the light of randomness Kreygasm. This deck is all about RNG, and a great part of your choices are directed by calculating probabilities of your best play. If you are one of those who hates playing with RNG, I highly recommand you not to play this deck. You can win some games with just giving up to get tempo and hit face with spells before your opponent kills you. However, this deck has a lot of direct damage ( Frostbolt Fireball Forgotten Torch Fireland Portals+ random missiles) so its important to check your available damage. This deck is a tempo deck, so the main goal is to get the tempo on the board (which means make sure you get more presence in the board than your opponent).

karazhan mage drops

I am not saying you will end up with that kind of awesome stats, I probably got a bit of help from RNGesus, but I think you can still manage to have at least 60% winrate. I went Legend from rank 5 in one day with a final rush of 37w/13l (74% winrate). I wanted to share the list I used to make sure people can enjoy playing it too ! I hit legend for the first time while playing since beta with my favourite archetype : Tempo Mage. Mysteries of the Phoenix: Druid and Hunter Mysteries of the Phoenix: Warrior and Rogue Duels Advanced Guide - With Deck Lists and Treasure Tiersĭuels: Practical Guide to go Infinite in HC Duels

Karazhan mage drops